Landing and Listing Pages overview

Create individual landing pages for multiple topics. Create unique listing pages for articles regardless of topic. Build topic and article groups for use on 'shop based' landing pages.

The choice is yours.

Basic topic page

A topic page is automatically generated when a topic is created, listing all assigned articles.

Within the Voracio Manager simply create an 'Internal link' to the topic page within the navigation area.

'Editorial based' landing page

To list multiple topics firstly create a topic group and then assign the group to a new landing page.

You can bind topics to landing pages to prioritise canonical URLs.

'Shop based' landing page

Create topic and article groups and assign them to existing 'shop based' landing pages.

Topic and article groups are displayed below the primary content.

Editorial listing page

To list articles from any topic, create an 'Editorial Listing Page' within the navigation area. From there you can assign any article to the page.

Article main topics will appear in a dropdown allowing users direct access to specific topic pages.